Friday 24 December 2010

Author Profile - Nana Agyemang Ofosu


Nana Agyemang Ofosu saw the sky in 1985 on the third day of February. He has labored through the rudiments of school and bears a BSc Civil Engineering Certificate from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He has grown to believe more in a world created by the ink of a writer than that seen by the eyes of men.

Five Questions with Nana Agyemang Ofosu:

1.What are you most thankful for this holiday season?

Life has been slippery on the road to maturity but in a mangle of its own weirdness it has granted me a bail to walk till my last breathe, so for this I am most thankful for the life I have now.

2. How do you think Christmas in Ghana compares to Christmas in the West, where the celebrations are now highly secularized? Does Ghana do a better job of keeping the "Christ" in Christmas? And should this be a top concern?

As the name suggests so has been the celebration down here in Ghana. But recent developments in the pattern of celebration only suggest that the entity of secularism has meandered its way head into the pious celebration of the saviors’ birth. Time has made the very name of this celebration change to "Xmas" in the West, taking away the symbol for the occasion. But here in Ghana the name still stands as "Christmas", though it is gradually metamorphosing to "Xmas".

People within church circles and the Christendom still hold onto the basis of the celebration. Ghanaians, and for that matter Christians, still portray Christ in the yuletide in various ways: in kindness shown to orphanages, the helpless and the needy, and in various church activities.

3. We're almost at the end of 2010. As a regular OGOV reader and contributor, what has been your top OGOV highlight for 2010?

The year has been good here in this enterprise. A lot has happened which are worth talking about but my lengthy words shall be limited to the special series for the Black Stars and How Poems Work. Dela Bobobee did extremely well on Mariska’s poem and for this I say thumbs up.

4. Continuing on the last question, what one book that you read in 2010 would you recommend to our readers?

Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe and Lenin on Literature and Art by V.I. Lenin.

5. What are your wishes for your country in 2011? Your personal writing goals?

I see in the near distance a hope for the scattered seeds, springing forth in the glare of the burning eyes. 2011 shall be a year of greater light and high expectation for Ghana. The year ended with a spill from the bowels of the earth, and I hope the oil brings good fortunes to the land.

What has been started by a few people in the corridors of the internet shall link up to project a new image for writers in my home country Ghana. This is aligned with my hope for a national platform to reach many more young writers.

Contact Nana:
bunitslove(at), unifiedtalents(at)

1 comment:

  1. Great poem and views from Nana Agyemang, the writer He's very language is poetic!
