Friday 3 June 2011

Author Profile - Philip Addo


Philip Addo is the tenth among twelve children from his father and the fifth from his mother. He was born in Accra on 24th February, 1982. He had his basic education at the Gyemmah Preparatory School and Lartebiokorshie Presby Junior Secondary School, both in Accra. After, he furthered to Accra Academy for his senior secondary school education. He has a diploma in Airline Ticketing and Reservation from the International School of Aviation, Tema. Currently, he is pursuing a degree course in English Language education at the University of Education, Winneba.

Philip writes all kinds of literary works. He loves to preach peaceful co-existence and love for one another.

Five Questions with Philip Addo:

1. How long have you been writing poetry?

I started performing poetry in my primary school days, but I wrote my first poem, entitled "Self Sentenced", about eight years ago out of the pain of losing my younger brother. There were some dark years on my writing poems until I entered university in 2008. This is where I started active writing. It all started after I had been introduced to a course entitled: "Extensive Reading" by Mr. Abdulai Jakalia. He brought many writers such as Prof. Kwakuvi Azasu, Prof. Mawutor Avoke, Mr. Anthony K. Johnson and many more who encouraged us to start writing. I then started having a creative reaction to every book I read.

2. Who are your favorite poets? Which poets have most informed and inspired your work?

I admire many poets and their works, but Prof. Atukwei Okai has really informed and inspired my writings. I love the versatility of his works. Also, I draw a lot of inspiration from Prof. Agmor and all my lecturers at the the English Department of the University of Education, Winneba, who also happen to be writers.

3. What do you hope to accomplish with your poetry?

My dream as a poet is to bring peace in the heart of men. My dream is to link people more to their heart than to their mind. My dream is to use my poems to draw the masses to the shores of peace, love, and hope just like music and other forms of entertainment are doing.

Apart from these, I also hope to be mentioned as one of the prominent writers of the African soil in the few years to come. This I know I can and I will do through my works in poetry.

4. Who would you say is being addressed in "It is My Turn"?

"It is My Turn" is addressed to anyone who feels oppressed or captivated. The poem is meant to bring to the realization of the oppressed that he or she has what it takes to overcome the oppressor. The grenade for this is to act by showcasing what he or she has that the oppressor lacks.

5. What inspired you to want to teach English? How has your training been coming along?

In fact, teaching has never been my field of interest though my teachers had suggested it to me. All I wished for was to work in the aviation industry. Hustling and bustling for a job after my aviation school led me into the classroom where I developed a massive love for teaching the English language. From then, I started pursing courses in the subject and finally entered into the university. Hence, my inspiration has been the love for the teaching profession and the joy of interacting and sharing knowledge about language with the masses.

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